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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine


2021/2022 School Year

8th Feb 2022
P4 children are now ICT Safety Experts.  The children successfully sorted information...
7th Feb 2022
P7 enjoyed using the data logger in school. They experimented with measuring sound,...
7th Feb 2022
Primary 4 are delighted to be returning to the Library. Anne looks after the boys...
7th Feb 2022
The boys and girls were very excited with the arrival of our new eco plastic picnic...
7th Feb 2022
Last week P4 children created Chinese lanterns to celebrate 'The Year of the Tiger'. ...
4th Feb 2022
We watched a part of the Winter Olympic opening ceremony today and were inspired...
4th Feb 2022
As part of their Titanic project P5 and 6 plan to design some boats. However, before...
4th Feb 2022
Please watch the video for some guidance in regards to Post Primary Admissions....
2nd Feb 2022
Primary 3&4 boys and girls have been having fun exploring London. We used polydron...
2nd Feb 2022
P1&2 have been exploring what goes on in a building site through our indoor...