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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine


2021/2022 School Year

1st Apr 2022
This is no April Fool! After 36 years, 4 Principals, dozens of staff and hundreds...
24th Mar 2022
23rd Mar 2022
There was lots of huffing and puffing on Welly Wednesday as the P1&2 boys and...
23rd Mar 2022
P1&2 enjoyed their numeracy time outside on world maths day. P2 rolled a dice...
23rd Mar 2022
All the boys and girls started World Number Day with a special assembly led by Miss...
23rd Mar 2022
Primary 4 have had a great day celebrating World Number Day. Throughout the day...
23rd Mar 2022
The first challenge for P5&6, on World Maths Day, was to work out some codes...
23rd Mar 2022
Primary 4 had their last session of 6 Bricks today. Over the last few weeks the...
23rd Mar 2022
P3 had lots of good fun celebrating World Maths Day! The sun was shining as we headed...
21st Mar 2022
P5 enjoyed filling their nature trays with spring colours, and hunting for bugs...