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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine


2022/2023 School Year

21st Oct 2022
We were delighted with the number of parents, family and friends who came to purchase...
21st Oct 2022
This Parenting Week, Monday 17 th – Friday 21 st October, Parentline NI...
19th Oct 2022
On Friday 21st October, our Eco Council will be selling the fresh vegetables they...
18th Oct 2022
Like the story, P7 children have been amazed at the variety, size  and quality...
18th Oct 2022
P5 have spent the last month learning about how their bodies work. We have investigated...
14th Oct 2022
Mrs McCombe was delighted to award a child from each class a star of the week certificate....
14th Oct 2022
Over the past few days, boys and girls have been preparing speeches and presentations....
9th Oct 2022
P6&7 had a very useful and important afternoon, with Geraldine, from The British...
7th Oct 2022
In assembly we were delighted to present AR certificates to some of our pupils....
7th Oct 2022
Throughout the week the boys and girls are awarded with house points for hard work,...