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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Homepage

17th Nov 2023
Today we celebrated Children in Need. Our P5 and P7 pupils created a special Pudsey...
16th Nov 2023
Primary 3 and 4 had great fun today when their friends from Primary 3 in St. Columba's...
13th Nov 2023
P7 continue with their Super Structures and are learning about all types of bridges....
13th Nov 2023
P7 combined Remembrance Day with their Eco work by making a beautiful poppy  wreath...
10th Nov 2023
We would like to take this opportunity to invite parents and children to our Open...
10th Nov 2023
Primary 1-4 had a very exciting morning when local author Clair Quigg came into school...
10th Nov 2023
Eco Assembly Mrs Anderson started off assembly with the Eco Committee, sharing the...
9th Nov 2023
Primary 5 had a wonderful morning with their friends from St. Columba’s Primary...
8th Nov 2023
On Tuesday P5 and 6 rounded off their buildings topic with a visit to McGarry-Moon...
7th Nov 2023
Our football team took part in their first small schools tournament of the season...