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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine


2023/2024 School Year

8th Feb 2024
Primary 3 and 4 had great fun today as we travelled to St. Columba's Primary School...
7th Feb 2024
Today we had a visit from Steven who told us all about the lifecycle of salmon and...
7th Feb 2024
We were delighted to be selected to be part of the Causeway Coast and Glens Healthy...
7th Feb 2024
We had a lovely day out at St. Columba’s meeting up with our P7 friends.Everyone...
2nd Feb 2024
P1&2 had lots of fun on number day. We made some colourful numbers and then went...
2nd Feb 2024
P7 celebrated Number Day with a range of number activities. They made a multiplication...
2nd Feb 2024
P7 enjoyed their last afternoon with their Ulster Scots friends. We listened to Ulster...
2nd Feb 2024
Congratulations to our stars of the week.Certificates were awarded for;- Having a...
1st Feb 2024
House points provide the opportunity to recognise and celebrate achievements, both...
30th Jan 2024
Congratulations to our football team who took part in the third round of the small...