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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine


16th Sep 2024
This term our topic is called “Where on Earth are we?”. We will be learning...
14th Sep 2024
P1&2 have been busy exploring patterns and sorting shapes in lots of different...
14th Sep 2024
P1&2 have enjoyed finding out about dinosaurs over the last 2 weeks. They have...
13th Sep 2024
Mrs Thompson led our assembly this morning, informing the boys and girls about the...
12th Sep 2024
Fiona Payne, Educational Officer from the Houses of Parliament visited Take 5 club...
12th Sep 2024
M Mrs McCombe led our Friday assembly and spent time talking about all the things...
6th Sep 2024
This week P1&2 boys and girls have been on a dinosaur adventure. We listened...
4th Sep 2024
Today we had our first assembly of the year. Iwas an assembly celebrating new things....