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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine


12th Feb 2024
Schools have been asked to pass on the following information; Given the recent rise...
9th Feb 2024
We celebrated Safer Internet Day by having a special assembly where our digital leaders...
9th Feb 2024
The Travelling Book Fair has arrived at school. Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed looking...
9th Feb 2024
There will be no Kilrea Kidz Tots Group on Wednesday 14th February, we look forward...
9th Feb 2024
Today all the boys and girls had a fantastic presentation from the Dogs’ Trust....
8th Feb 2024
Primary 3 and 4 had great fun today as we travelled to St. Columba's Primary School...
7th Feb 2024
Today we had a visit from Steven who told us all about the lifecycle of salmon and...
7th Feb 2024
We were delighted to be selected to be part of the Causeway Coast and Glens Healthy...
7th Feb 2024
We had a lovely day out at St. Columba’s meeting up with our P7 friends.Everyone...
2nd Feb 2024
P1&2 had lots of fun on number day. We made some colourful numbers and then went...