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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine


2022/2023 School Year

10th Feb 2023
Miss Steele organised a competition within school challenging the boys and girls...
10th Feb 2023
Our P7 boys and girls are hosting a Valentines Bun sale on Tuesday 14th February....
10th Feb 2023
Congratulations to our stars of the week.   This week they were awarded for...
8th Feb 2023
P 6 and 7 have been working on their topic Frozen. They have enjoyed learning about...
8th Feb 2023
Primary 5 boys and girls have had lots of fun over the last few weeks learning how...
8th Feb 2023
The Scholastic Book Fair has arrived in school.  Each class will have a session...
6th Feb 2023
P6 Eco Club have had a busy few weeks making bird cakes and taking part in the RSPB...
3rd Feb 2023
Today we said a sad farewell to Mrs Barron. Mrs Barron has been an assistant in our...
3rd Feb 2023
Well done to our stars of the week. They received their certificates for cheery smiles....
2nd Feb 2023
All Primary 7 pupils must apply online to secure a place at their next school. The...