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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

😎 Keeping Safe Assembly 😎

21st Feb 2025

Keeping Safe Assembly – Understanding Boundaries and Staying Safe

Today, Mrs. Cooper led our Keeping Safe Assembly, focusing on ways to stay safe and understanding the meaning of privacy.

She highlighted the importance of the routines we follow in school to keep everyone safe and reminded us of the PANTS Rule, which was reinforced by the fun and engaging Pantosaurus song:

🔹 P – Privates are private
🔹 A – Always remember your body belongs to you
🔹 N – No means no
🔹 T – Talk about secrets that upset you
🔹 S – Speak up, someone will help you

We want every child to feel confident in saying “no” if something makes them uncomfortable. It’s important to remember that help is always available, and children have the right to feel safe at all times.

By continuing these conversations in school, we ensure that every child knows how to protect themselves and seek support when needed.