⭐️ Assembly & Stars of the Week 17.01.25 ⭐️
17th Jan 2025
Today Miss Steele led our assembly. We heard a wonderful story about the snowdrops and how they are the first sign of spring.
The snowdrop comes out on its own and reminds us that spring is not far away! It reminds us that there is always hope, we should try to persevere and give things a go! Thank you Miss Steele for this reminder.
Stars of the Week
Congratulations to our stars of the week.
Certificates were awarded for
- Wonderful manners
- Being very mature and helpful
- Amazing progress with reading
- Brilliant listening and performing at hockey
Well done everyone!
Kilrea Primary School, 5 Lisnagrot Rd, Kilrea, Coleraine BT51 5SE | Phone: 028 2954 0636