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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

⭐️ Assembly and Stars of the Week 06.09.24 ⭐️

12th Sep 2024


Mrs McCombe led our Friday assembly and spent time talking about all the things we need to grow. She then asked a P1 pupil to come up to the front and we discussed how we can grow in school. The boys and girls made many suggestions including listening to teachers, drinking water, helping your friends, learning your numbers and phonics, and trying your best.

We hope everyone 'grows' this year! We are looking forward to seeing the progress everyone makes. 

Stars of the Week

Every week Mrs McCombe presents certificates to our pupils.

This week certificates were awarded for;

  • A great start to school
  • Being a wonderful friend and example to others
  • Working hard in class
  • Looking after others 

Well done everyone!

Other news

We were awarded the schools cup at Kilrea Flower Show. Thank you to everyone who took the time to take part!