Access Keys:

Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine


November 2024 January 2025
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Sun 1

Mon 2
Iconic Dance (P1-3 from 2-3pm P4-7 from 3-4pm. Appropriate sportswear and trainers are required.)
Tue 3

Wed 4

Thu 5
CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA DAY (Christmas Jumper Day, Santa Daily Mile Day and Christmas Dinner Day all rolled into one! Wear festive clothing and look forward to a day of Christmas celebration! £1 donation encouraged per pupil for Save The Children.)
Fri 6
In School Playball (For all years groups. Pupils should come to school wearing dark leggings/joggers and trainers.)
Whole School Panto Trip (Riverside Theatre. Prompt drop off for 8.55am is ESSENTIAL!)
Sat 7

Sun 8

Mon 9
Iconic Dance (P1-3 from 2-3pm P4-7 from 3-4pm. Appropriate sportswear and trainers are required.)
Tue 10

Wed 11
Carol Service at 1st Kilrea Presbyterian Church (7pm. Formal school uniform required, blue shirt, school tie etc. Blue shirts are available from our in school eco box for a small donation of £1 per item.)
Thu 12

Fri 13
In School Playball (For all years groups. Pupils should come to school wearing dark leggings/joggers and trainers.)
Sat 14

Sun 15

Mon 16
Christmas Fun Week (Various festive activities will take place this week.)
P6/7 Grandparents' Day (11am in school assembly hall. P6/7 pupils should wear formal uniform, blue shirts, school tie etc.)
Tue 17
Christmas Fun Week (Various festive activities will take place this week.)
Wed 18
Christmas Fun Week (Various festive activities will take place this week.)
Thu 19
Christmas Fun Week (Various festive activities will take place this week.)
Fri 20
Christmas Fun Week (Various festive activities will take place this week.)
Last Day of Term 1 (School finishes at 12noon for all pupils. This will be a non-uniform day also. THERE WILL BE NO KILREA KIDZ AFTER SCHOOL PROVISION ON THIS DATE, BUT BREAKFAST CLUB WILL RUN AS NORMAL.)
Sat 21

Sun 22

Mon 23
Christmas Holidays
Tue 24
Christmas Holidays
Wed 25
Christmas Holidays
Thu 26
Christmas Holidays
Fri 27
Christmas Holidays
Sat 28

Sun 29

Mon 30
Christmas Holidays
Tue 31
Christmas Holidays